Oct 22nd 2008 From Economist.com
Beware the temptation to gloat
Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia’s former prime minister,
wrote on his blog: “We cannot forget how in 1997-98
American hedge funds destroyed the economies of
poor countries by manipulating their national currencies.
When as a result of the so-called trade in currencies the
companies in the poor countries faced bankruptcy, the
governments were told not to bail out any company or bank
which was in deep trouble...Yet today we see the US
Government readying $700 billion to brazenly bail out banks,
mortgage companies and insurance companies...Desperate to
avoid a serious recession the US has abandoned all its principles.”
Why cant us laugh at the stupid United States right now?
Asians work our butts out every fucking day trying to make a living.
While those fatty no brainers dig in ice creams and chocolates
spending tons of $$ that they have never earned.
Living in grand huge mansions that they actually cannot afford
I can give you tons of example why the hell we asians CAN
and SHOULD laugh at those idiot americans. RIGHT NOW!!
I don’t care if US economy will affect the stock market or even
TW growth rate. If the previous 10 yrs was a bubble and I think
its better if it burst as soon as possible. Like Japan.
No one wants recession but I do think the americans deserve
Especially after i OT crazily for a month and even OT till 10pm
last nite!!!
本來沒有這麼不爽的 只是想分享很有趣的單字
Schadenfreude 幸災樂禍的德文
英文則是gloat 不過也同時有覬覦的意思
我們不能忘記97 – 98年間那些避險基金是怎麼對待貧窮國家的
那些避險基金操作貨幣 搞的一堆貧窮國家裡的公司接連倒閉
貧窮國家的政府想去救 還被靠腰說不能救
體質不好的公司就應該讓他倒 才是資本主義的真理
現在 卻看到老美拿了七百億要來救那些”壞帳多到不行的公司”
我想 是人 尤其是同區塊的人 都會不平的
整個亞洲 好 其他不算 整個東北+東南亞的人民
那個不是整天工作做到死 賺那個一小時美金幾CENT幾塊錢的辛苦錢
跟上一篇文章比較起來 這篇文章不是很諷刺嗎
之前 他們花著不是自己努力賺來的錢
每天吃的肥肥胖胖 開著租來的跑車 揮霍自己不怎麼出產的石油
去年以前 美國牛奶一加侖4塊美金 石油只要三塊不到
石油只要漲到3.5塊 在美國長大的朋友們就開始哀嚎
我那時還覺得這是應該的 誰叫你們不蓋大眾交通工具
沒公車 沒捷運 沒鐵路 每個人一台車
還有很多可以當例子 讓我們這些『亞洲人』可以也應該來嘲笑老美
也許這次風暴是全球性 也許台灣股票會跌到3000點
如果是泡沫就讓他破吧 跟之前的日本一樣
沒有人想要不景氣 可是我堅持美國活該不景氣!!