Lately I have been drinking more wine than liquors. One main reason is that soon-to-be Mrs. France loves wine more than any other alcohols and she introduced us some very good & cheap wines~ Another reason is simple, Costco has tons of cheap wines and every time I go I would grab a bottle or two…
It doesn’t mean I don’t like sake anymore… Daiginjo is and will always be love of my life. Just the loves of my life are always a little too expensive to become a habit…
While wines can be so cheap and still drinkable, it’s easier for a poor tippler like me to drink more.
Tippling less?
Jan 21st 2009 From
How your wine-drinking habits are changing
"the average French adult consumed fewer than 60 litres of wine in 2007"
“In general, residents of Mediterranean countries continue to drink more wine than north Europeans.”
“In time an old division between beer-swilling Anglo Saxons and wine-sipping southern Europeans may gradually fade away.”
I guess the main reason is the French export wine more and more.
At least in TW I see more and more kinds of wine importing
Which is a good thing~~
This led me to think about my drinking habit…
if I can come up with any…
the only one I insist is that I don’t drink bubbling stuff…
也介紹了不少好喝又便宜的紅酒來(西班牙NO1 真的不錯喝!)
加上Costco總是有一堆便宜的紅酒 每次看到不買就覺得很難過
喝紅酒比較不容易掛 也不用喝冰的 感覺比較養生~
當然大吟釀永遠都會是我的最愛 可是一罐好一點的都要上千
照我喝酒的速度 要是養成習慣 很快我就會破產
紅酒則是便宜又好喝 窮人最佳選擇
今天ECONOMIST送來這篇 越喝越少?
法國人喝的紅酒少了 平均一年只喝了不到60公升
平均來說 地中海地區喝掉的紅酒比北歐地區多(廢話 他們產區ㄇㄟ)
英國人漸漸的開始喝比較多紅酒 要是在久一點
牛飲啤酒的昂格魯薩克遜人種 VS 淺嘗紅酒的南歐人
我想可能因為法國人把紅酒都出口了 自己只好犧牲一點喝少一點
畢竟我在台灣看到越來越多種類的酒 價格也越來越合理可親
恩… 我的飲酒習慣是什麼呢!? 完全想不出來…
好像只有氣泡不喝 其他完全OK~ 嘿嘿~