KIRARA is really picky about her food. In the beginning we gave her ROYAL received from breeder and mixed with Costco dog puppy food. Then when we changed to all Costco, she stopped eating anymore. Sales at pet shop said cos ROYAL tastes more flavorful so she would not eat anything else if she gets used to it.
So lately we have been giving her 2 other different brands to try out since the pet shop already gave us some samples. I read that it’s better not to change food or dogs all the sudden cos they may have digestion problem. Well I have to say KIRARA definitely has no digesting problem cos no matter whatever sh!t we give her she would take it and nothing strange happens to her poo later. I read some dogs would get diarrhea…. I guess she is just really very healthy, which is totally perfect.
My mom brought her to vet last week and she is now 1.9kg = 4lb and said she is well maintained. Heehee, I guess raising a puppy is no more difficult than raising a baby cos they basically need same things, to be loved and taken care of, that’s all.
KIRARA的挑食  說很挑也不大對  她就是不肯乖乖吃COSTCO的飼料
其他皇家  優格啦  有機的歐利斯  都吃的很開心  就只有COSTCO不肯吞
每次餵她COSTCO的飼料就跟打仗一樣  我們塞進去她轉個身吐出來
一開始又是不屑一顧的臭KIRARA 在我媽塞兩顆進她嘴巴之後 
馬上發現新食物比較好吃  一下子  花不到三分鐘  就全部吃光光
完全忘記換食物要給他適應期的老母  就每天都給她吃不同牌子飼料
換的很開心  目前發現歐利斯的她很喜歡也會便很漂亮的嗯嗯
所以可能過兩天就去買一包給她吃  省得她餓的皮包骨
雖然上星期去看醫生  醫生說我們養的很好呢  現在1.9kg 很健康不胖
可是那是我媽每天努力塞飼料的結果 = =|| 所以還是決定買個她愛吃的
要每天吃自己不愛的東西  狗也是很可憐的  就已經只能每天吃飼料了
要是有人每天塞茄子進我的嘴巴  我都覺得好痛苦  會把那個人殺了!!
唯一的小小憂慮  她的左眼  總是怪怪的  不能聚焦的樣子
眼白還有一塊是灰灰髒髒的  等下次打預防針在去給醫生看看吧~

有沒有  眼角內側有點怪怪的 

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