Economist weekly editorial cartoon
KAL's cartoon
Oct 16th 2008
From The Economist print edition
This picture is so funny yet so described the current situation of
the biased world economy right now. It is also ironic how the
capitalized human beings will take any opportunity to “SELL”…
Though I am never a good sales person and I never like anyone
who is a good sales person. For me that kind of ppl can talk
about dead as if it were alive. It is hard to distinguish if they
mean what they say or just saying it. Though ex-coworker
said she thinks I can be a good sales….
= =
Though I don’t think capitalism is dead but I think the whole
concept will be adjusted greatly in near future.
If taiwan gov. decides to lean toward socialism, I hope it starts
with 20 days vacation per yr!!!
前兩天跟前同事講電話 他說他感覺我應該也可以做個很厲害的SALES
我只能說他完全誤會了 我這人向來是討厭逼/強迫別人做不願意的事情
記得第一份工作 每年都有特賣會要去支援
如果有計算業績 我一定是最後一名 客人不問我就不會主動介紹
他沒說要買我就不會說這很便宜喔 自用送人兩相宜
而且我向來討厭SALES性格的人 有史以來交往過的
之後的大都屬於孤僻帶不出門(台)的那種 唉~
不過也好 太會SOCIAL太會應酬的我也害怕
我討厭明明就很不熟 還硬要裝的很熟問一堆問題的人
EHHH… 一整個離題
總而言之 資本主義應該是不會死的
不過經過這次風暴 修正路線是免不了
至少 那些華爾街吸血蟲總算得到報應了
如果台灣朝向社會主義 那我希望我可以有20天年假!!