I never try to punch any hole in my body! Not even ear piercing.
No tattoo no hole no cutting on my body is always my policy.
I always blame that there are no earrings pretty enough
that I would sacrifice so much just to wear them.
But I think I found something that worth everything.
Jill Sander/Damiani earrings (as below) selling @ USD$4,500–$10,000
If any guy comes to propose with these earrings, I would say YES! right away!
我沒有耳洞 親近一點的朋友都知道
曾經發生過兩三次 總是讓我很為難
在我身上不穿洞不刺青不動刀子 是我的原則
卻不是跟X表姊一樣 下輩子想當男人所以不打洞
我個人熱愛當個女人 而不打洞有很多原因
怕痛 又懶 不想花錢 不想花時間挑耳環/配件
最主要原因 是我一直沒有找到美到讓我願意忍受打耳洞的痛楚及不適的耳環
我對配件是很挑剔的 如果沒有合我胃口的 我寧可光溜溜什麼都不戴的出門
Jill Sander/Damiani earrings
重點是售價!! USD$4,500–$10,000
如果有人拿著這套耳環來跟我求婚 我一定會答應!!!!
歐 不~
要先飛奔去穿耳洞 然後再答應 :P