last nite, sis family came back tw
my dad took LU back home and left the other 3 in hotel
i was too nervous and anxious to sleep so i called best friend TH
chatted with him till 130 then finally they got home.
actually i didnt know what to say about this incident
we had dinner together tonite and i found the scene surreal
there's a moment i wanted to skip the dinner and hide
then i decided to face the music and deal wiith it
but then even till now i dont know what to comment
it's no longer my business
昨天 睽違(最近怎麼常用這詞)一年的老姐一家四口 回到台灣
老爸把一家思思念念的LU帶回家 其他三口塞去HOTEL
我也因為緊張期待而惶惶然不知所措 只好打電話給等開工中徐董聊天
熬夜等到一點半多這些人才回到家 沒講兩句話也只好讓LU洗澡上床睡覺去
除了早上跟主管開個小會討論事情 整個下午跟領導討論來年KPI展開範例
還好 因為忙碌 腦子裡想的都是KPI 沒有時間讓我思考太多其他
可以下班之後曾有一剎那 腦中閃過要不要找個地方躲一躲這念頭
想想我可以面對董事會董事長總經理的挑戰質疑 還深深以此為樂
到了餐廳 大家一起坐著 若無其事的聊天吃飯
當他去參加X畢業典禮 看著別人家幸福快樂一家團圓
反觀自己家卻是暗潮洶湧 只能囫圇吞下所有的情緒 那種混亂
任何人都是孤單的來到這世上 也終將孤單的離去