
*顏色有點色差...  之前為了省電  房間裡都捨不得開燈
**結果ㄧ花錢就買個用都用不到的LV 尿布包  我腦子裝些甚麼!????

看到我之前因為準備想結婚+懷孕而下手買的粉紅色diaper bag
(粉紅色沾上一點便便  大概就毀了 我承認我腦子都裝屎....)

ㄧ看哇靠不得了  USD2,120.00 未稅價
很努力的回想  我記得我的入手價是1800-1880 
(因為太多屎的關係  那個十位數早已經自動被記憶體刪除)
因為MA稅只要5%  ㄜ  現在的前男友  當時的baby老爸特地跑去幫我買
SALES說 是MA最後一個的粉紅色  (後來在south coast plaza看到ㄧ大堆就是了)
加上稅 還不到USD 2K  現在未稅就要2120.....  LV是怎樣  搶錢啊!????????

醬要感謝當時還沒吵架的老姊捐獻  讓我買了這個包  抵抗通膨的壓力
還要感謝當時EX很聽話的跑去給我搶了這個包  讓我的下手價格更有競爭力
雖然後來狠心的拋棄我 讓我的尿布包無用武之地........
還好  現在可以當作DOGGY BAG~  :P

難得一個我有記憶價格的東西(又要強調一次 因為腦袋裡裝的都是屎  :p)

i was browsing online for new LV stuff and accidentally saw this bag
some should still remember i bought this bag in order to irritate bitch at xfx
and another secret reason was cos i wanna to get married and have baby~ 
so i got a diaper bag....  pink....  so.....
if my baby dares stain the bag with ""its"" poo, i swear to god i will have to kill it
haha  jk~~ 
as for a diaper bag it is too big and too heavy and too bright color
but i still wanted it. 

the price i paid was around 1800 and now it is 2120

so if you wanna fight inflation, buy LV!!!!
the $$ increases even faster than you can imagine...!!!
i believe if i go sell this bag out there now, it will get me 2000+ 
but unfortunately i aint selling 
i will keep this bag even though i dont want any baby at all 

but i can use it as puppy bag now~  :P

    創作者 cavalli 的頭像


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