
yesterday from an acquaintance's MSN ID i saw this: 
What is the only word that changes meaning after capitalizing its first letter?

Then i asked her if its China, china but then she said no and the answer is Polish, polish. 
When i asked her why china is not the answer 
she didnt really explain.....
since i am really bored here i decided to take sometime and dig it. 

The tool is of course every college student's best friend, GOOGLE. 
so thanks to google and yahoo. i found the answer i am looking for.

Heteronym & Homograph
Heteronym is a kind of homograph, it means one word have more than 1 meanings and pronunciation. 

con'duct - to direct, to lead
'conduct - behaviour  


when a word changes meaning and pronunciation based on whether to capitalize its first letter or not, it is called heteronym too. 

au'gust - important


including Polish/polish
and here comes the funniest one from the list!!!!!!!

magdalen - a reformed prostitute
Magdalen - a college in Oxford

A: hay, what school do you go to?
B: Magdalen.

OK, i know i am bored..........................................   =   =
at least i proved that Polish is no only heteronym in English!!

and today i saw the best LV father's day gift of the year!!
3 decks of cards....!!!!  comes in blue yellow and red
with a joker jumping out of LV suhali make up case...
only costs $98.00 online or in store 
if your dad never knows what LV shit is and you wanna show him some good example.
so he wont forget your LV gift home while he is winning the games.....!!
if losing..... oh well the worst is just to lose those 3 decks of LV cards......

LV 年度父親節禮物大作
撲克牌三組  美金98.00 不含運費
從頭到尾都有LV LOGO  讓老公贏牌時也不要忘了老婆在家苦苦等候他的LV禮物
就算輸慘了 也頂多把撲克牌輸掉而已....  

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