To an email replying my email sent 3 yrs ago!? 
It was the first time I flew back home from Boston and I was alone. I think cos someone was still busy with school so I decided to get back home earlier. It was long flight so the girl next to me started chatting with me and so I found out she is a Filipino and working in a cruise company. I think either princess or carnival. She was excited to go home and so did I. We had pretty good time chatting and then exchanged emails.

That’s pretty much it. I emailed her from tw and never got her reply until today….
More than 3 yrs has gone and so much has changed. That summer was probably the happiest time of my life and unfortunately it ended too soon.

第一次從BOS回台灣  我只有一個人  某人還在忙  我決定先回台北
飛機上很無聊  旁邊的有點生病  又睡不著  就跟我攀談起來
他在遊艇公司上班的菲律賓人  長的很可愛很年輕  要回家探親
聊的很愉快所以最後交換了EMAIL  我很快的給了她封信  卻從沒收到回音
剛仔細的看了一下  我的信是2005/06/25寄出去的  
他信中問我  我書讀完沒  過得如何??
該說甚麼  畢業了工作了辭職了回台灣了甚麼都沒有了
我這輩子最快樂的夏天   結束的太快  無影無蹤

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