Busy weekend again~
LA old time buddy came up Taipei to visit. He was roommate of my high school classmate and I often went to their house to play ma-jang or just to kill time and hangout together.
Somehow we keep pretty close contact with each other and he is even closer to me than my high school classmate…..
When was the last time I saw him!??  To be honest I don’t really remember much but should be roughly around 1 yr ago… he has been stood me up for many times telling me he coming up but then never really showed up since I come back to Taiwan. So I wasn’t really expecting him to call and lied around at home whole SAT afternoon. However, it’s very nice meeting up old friend no matter what and he is always great company~
And so we decide next time I will go down mid Taiwan to visit him….  Ha~
Though I don’t really know what to do there……. Maybe same thing as what we did this weekend…  drinking eating talking watching 2 movies in a roll… 
So yeah I watched KUN-FU panda and the night knight batman on Sunday with only a 30 min interval resting. After a drunken night it is very tiring and dizzy to watch those two very different movies…. (we two finished 2 bottles of SAKE together SAT nite….. @@) kunfu panda was ok fun…. I got the jokes but I just cant laugh or even squeeze a smile. I don’t get American jokes…… = = but obviously he enjoyed it….  I guess if clown could saw me he would cut my face open too cos I am just too serious!!!!
Then high school classmates called up saying they wanna watch batman and so we agreed to watch it with them. It was a really bad decision!!! Cos the colorful cheering fast moving kunfu panda for 1.5 hr started to make me dizzy the dark exciting scaring disgusting batman just made me wanna puke…… I like that batman really he is cute and handsome. But the Rachael!!??????? Am I the only one thinking she is totally an old lady…. Man… even MRS CRUISE is prettier or at least younger
I sat there for 2.5 hrs regretting every minute going in to watch that movie
And the clown is cool… though I don’t recognize his real face but I think he is really good actor. At least better than that Rachael
Ended up the day with steak and it was good steak. I didn’t finish it cos I was still suffering from the dizziness from the movie…  sucked… The rare filet I ordered was ok but the WAGYUU he ordered was perfect!!!! Very tender and juicy and sweet without any blood….  The dessert was quite disappointing cos I didn’t get the soufflé I imagined. The choco soufflé was too sweet and not well enough balanced bitterness made it hard to swallow. The vanilla sauce didn’t bring up any fragrance but only made the soufflé crash faster. The touch of the soufflé is quite heavy and not airy enough. The raspberry sorbet next to it was good….. but I like my friend’s grapefruit sorbet more………………  will try to upload photo later~ 
LA認識的宅男K先生  是高中同學的老許在USC第二年的室友
常沒事去打麻將 聊個天 吃個飯 去看中天新聞 鬼混  有事也會拜託他們幫忙
大概因為大家都很隨便  很快的跟K也變成挺熟的朋友
K是台中人在南投教書  很宅據說可是當地人氣老師  女人爭奪的對象
從我回台灣  就一直說要上來台北找我玩  已經不知道放了我幾次鳥  很78
本來這次也打算他也會放我鳥的  沒想到他還真的搭了高鐵上來
還很莫名奇妙的搭商務艙  可見老師錢賺太多沒地方花  就亂花一通
其實我也不知道要幹嘛好  就跑去A4停車 隨便逛逛
為了抵停車費  跑去友士  買了一堆酒之後去吃飯  灌完兩瓶回家睡覺
第二天早上頭超昏  所以來不及去吃鼎泰豐早餐  (不過油膩的實在也沒胃口)
跑去麗水街咖啡廳吃個BRUNCH   隨便應付一下表弟的英文文法課
請老師幫忙教導一下  :PP  就殺去看電影
功夫熊貓跟蝙蝠俠(天啊  我現在才知道是念 ㄅㄧㄢ一聲蝙……….)
在宿醉未醒時  看著老美製作的笑點很低的熊貓  實在一點都讓人開心不起來
看完如此花俏五彩繽紛的卡通之後  再來看BATMAN簡直就是讓人想吐到極點
灰暗悲慘人類劣根性  已死的小丑在片中卻一直死不了
雖然可能有人覺得這叫高潮迭起  我只覺得歹戲拖棚
更別說那醜的要死的女主角  克魯斯太太都比他美多了 至少年輕一點
本來晚上預計的高級牛排大餐 也因此而無緣100%享受
WELL 主要大概是因為頭就已經在昏在不舒服了  又跑來吃這種血腥的東西
更別提  應該要很高級的店內居然有兩個BABY存在
一個哭完換一個  簡直在接力  照片換一篇補上

最後約好八月初換我下台中  雖然我還不知道要去幹嘛  我是台北俗  :PP
回到家  累的要死還要幫死狗洗澡  然後悲慘的一整晚都睡不好  很生氣
又因為老闆開始要做分析  我想大概是不可能請假回家睡午覺了

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