The best thing to do on a hurricane holiday is to stay home watching TV all day long. So that’s what I did last weekend. I was so used to be internet addicted and now don’t even need a laptop or turn on computer at all for a long weekend.
I think cos I found the love of my life back – TV. :P
Back in US I don’t really watch TV too much cos I’d rather spend time msn with friends or read TW news online. Well also cos I am mostly into Japanese TV and US TV is not really my type…
So boring Sunday night with huge winds and rains outside, I was browsing thru all TV channels and two men caught my eyes: Adam Sandler and Kevin James (the fat cute guy in HITCH) and they are getting married!!!! OMG that wedding was so funny and the Father is someone we all know…
So its about gay but not really gay. They pretend to be gay couple so Larry with 2 kids can have benefits that only couples can enjoy. (I was planning the same thing to get green card but my buddy married a guy and gave him green card… Fxxk….)
This is a very funny movie and really is about friendship and the freedom to choose. Adam S. was willing to give up his own life and reputation to help his best friend out. In the end I couldn’t sleep cos I kept wondering if I was given a choice, if someone could be honest with self, if we were still best friends, what would I do!?
星期天晚上無聊到死 狂看電視
神父還是搞笑舞男化裝成一個亞洲人 就已經惹的我狂笑
我原本也曾計畫過跟Y小姐假GAY結婚拿綠卡 結果他先給他老公 X
同事D妹妹也曾經說過願意提供 :P 不過我懶 等我真的想搬去US住再說
本片跟GAY有關 又沒有關 關於友誼 選擇的自由
面對社會的歧視 小朋友的疑問 同僚的害怕 受鼓舞而出櫃的超級壯男
撿肥皂的橋段原來不僅僅發生在台灣軍中 (我還以為這是老笑話)
NY的消防隊一樣害怕跟GAY一起洗澡+撿肥皂 看得我差點沒笑死
如果人能夠誠實面對自己 給我選擇權 我們是生死交關的好友