經過不知道幾百次的嚴刑拷打之後 我終於可以回答這問題
**after all the torture and confession period, i finally can answer this question everyone's been asking me:
"what kind of men you like/want????"
if men are just useless and unreliable as i assume and wont improve or change for any reason
i think its better to have something healthier to my eyes rather than something (*&$%^&**(*&^%$
well sexual organs combination is better than mind connection
handsome better than ugly
fit better than loose or skeleton(no muscle guy please!!!)
i have come to conclusion: please give me this type of guy!!
如果男人天性就是犯賤 就是花 就是不可靠
那說真的 個性合不如性器合 長的醜不如長的帥 肥垮瘦竹竿不如健壯
(因為我不喜歡猛男 所以不要橫肉!)
所以我決定了!!! 要介紹男人給我的話
no matter what he wears, his attractiveness shows naturally
and mature and wise and humor with a super bad tongue like me
thanks in advance!!!
無論是穿著甚麼 都帥氣逼人的藤木!!!!
成熟 不甚穩重 嘴賤死了 卻幽默
謝謝!!!!! 感激感激!~~~
- Jul 24 Thu 2008 01:54
我決定了!!!!! DECIDED!!!!!! (EN)