
now i realized if i start a post with chinese first i become too lazy to translate it into english....... so i think its better to start the english version first then the chinese translation

just got an email from ILLY about this new cup and its really really cute
and i like the slogan very much but wanna change it to 
"love kept me out of jail" 
(to be honest, i thought it's LOVE at first....... until i finish the article....
i am just so retarded!!)
i only wonder why he used "kept"... if he implying that he is in jail now.....  :P 

i admit i never and wont ever have any sense in art 
the closest to art thing i can do is dress up myself nicely - 
- according to one of my useless ex

anyways  the slogan got me into thinking
if love keep us from jail or keep us in jail!?? 

i think it differs from person to person 
and for me!??????  i still dont know 
plus, since now i have become so lazy in every aspect of life 
i dont even wanna bother to figure out

nostalgia, reluctancy
cups pots photos clothes bags chairs tables
we should clean our brains as often as we clean our rooms
cos whatever remaining in our brains is merely our own imagination

眼殘  ART看成LOVE  才生出這一篇

藝術對我  不過就是吃飽飯有錢有閒了在搞的玩意  有 很好  沒有 也無所謂
我唯一的藝術天份  根據某豬腦前任  就是把自己打扮的漂亮 穿衣很有SENSE 如此而已
所以  還是別談藝術  把ART 還是改成LOVE吧

愛  是解放 還是囚禁  因人而異
我也搞不清楚  而也已經不想知道答案
懶到一個地步  就會開始連動腦都不肯
看到這個杯子  想起昨晚的衝動  不禁覺得有點好笑
到底是愛束縛著我們  還是我們綑綁著自己
該放手的  快放  該丟的  扔一扔  省得佔位
不管是回憶也好  留戀也罷
在腦中佔據的  也不過  就是  自己的想像罷了

    創作者 cavalli 的頭像


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