上上星期五 跟之前同事約了去看SATC
誤以為台灣早就上了 其實只有美國上而已
跟同事約了星期五 還好 那天開始上映
結果尷尬的是 第一天上映 果然擠滿了人潮
害我整個人脖子很痛 很酸 包包也看不大清楚
一開始的快轉帶過 差點害的我晚飯的印度咖哩都吐了出來
women go to NY to look for 2 L's
label & love
the thing is, it's not that difficult to get labels, though not that easy either
but always possible and controlled by self
all depend on one's ability and williness
simple logic and easy to decide
so i seriously suspect that the director put label in front of love on purpose
because a woman has to get label first then maybe love... :p
surely on the other hand, love is definitely not that easy
depends all on timing, fate, and luck
i have been thinking if i end up with lost & lonely instead of love
2 L's too
when i was pooing in toilet it stoke me
that i may got 2 D's
despairing and devastating
and how scary is that....
and for those cute bags and clothing in SATC
i wouldnt mind spending 250 again to go watch it
after movie that nite, went to A-PxxS and order a cosmopolitan
havent ordered it for long long time too
when in the movie
Miranda Hobbes: [at a bar, drinking Cosmopolitans]
Why did we ever stop drinking these?
Carrie Bradshaw: Because everyone else started!
and somehow the movie reminded me those mist-have's for a wedding:
Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.
after all the weddings i have joined and planned
i hope all the weddings are for the couple solely
like in the end, what's most important is what the bride and groom think
not the dress, not the jewelries, not the maids, not the ring, not even the closet or penthouse
just a happy together life time promise