Another exhausting weekend for me with the summer heat burning outside on Sunday, I went to catch an early movie with high school buddy and cousin bro and sis.
Buddies wanna see WALL-E and cousins wanna see batman so I had to choose one from those I have seen… so I decided to watch WALL-E again cos I wanna keep my good mood for the rest of the day.
After lunch, we went to a baseball game. Taiwan baseball league! Last time I went to a baseball game in TW was about 10 yrs ago… Compared with US baseball games, TW fans are a lot noisier cos they bring all different kinds of tools: microphones, beepers, plastic bats, etc. US fans are a lot more drunken… :P
The team that I planned to support lost it…. And the first pitcher sucked. He gave out a 4 points home run at first inning with no one out……  = =
Anyway, it’s the last game before Olympics so there were many people.
I heard those are mostly same players representing TW in Olympics baseball game and I cannot do anything else but pray for more luck for winning a gold medal.
一早就跑去陪看早場電影 UFO+詩恬+老王吵著要看瓦力 
(總比小叮噹啦 刺客啦 地心冒險來的好)
最近實在已經沒啥好片 要等下禮拜才有MUMMY
還好瓦力真的不錯看 看兩遍都有笑點 最大笑點就是UFO
他笑得比同廳的小朋友還大聲的多…  不愧是幼稚第一名
隨便吃個中飯之後 就回家拿車 殺去新莊棒球場
看我暌違十年以上的 現場職業棒球賽
LA NEW熊對統一獅 上次看的時候我是兄弟的球迷 
這次就跳槽到LA NEW
老王早就跳槽改挺LA NEW了)
結果 張誌家表現不好 第一局前三棒輪番上壘 
第一局  無人出局  就來個滿壘打 
我真是支持錯邊 應該去坐在統一那邊的 嗚嗚
表弟妹倒是很興奮 因為兩個小鬼頭沒看過台灣現場職棒
之後比數繼續慘不忍睹下去 到第六局我已經受不了了 
也八點了 決定先回家
據說我們一離開 熊馬上再得兩分 不過也是14-3 一點用處都沒有
那我只能說 這次奧運要贏 一定很驚險… 不然就是很賽
今天來去拜個拜好了 不然叫陳媽去幫我拜一下
他說母娘從來沒讓他失望過 那可不可以幫我祈禱一下
『天天棒賽』下一句忘了 很有創意

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