
Somehow I have been little overwhelmed lately, so I decided to stay home for the weekend doing nothing just to rest. I remember when I was a teen I enjoyed my Sunday by getting up, having some brunch, watching some TV, then listening to music all afternoon with a nap, then dinner then TV then to bed again.
I remember teacher asked me to attend the English composition contest of high school junior yr again (I really hoped someone else who wanna give it a try could go, but teacher insisted me going cos she knew I would win anyway) The title that yr was Sunday Morning and I got second place…. Hahaha  cos I didn’t even prepare and I didn’t know what else to write about my Sunday morning since I only slept and ate.
Being as lazy as possible is always my goal of life but so far I don’t see any sign of achieving it. Sigh… yesterday in an email sending to best buddy in LA, I told her maybe I should just marry a rich old man and wait for heritage. Hahahaha I don’t need to marry the richest man in tw but someone to feed me…  :P
I never really ask a lot in life but a lot of ppl think that I set my standard very high.
I guess it’s hard to know what somebody really wants, especially if they never even god damn give it a shit.
常常莫名的發懶  所以決定這週末不要出門窩在家休息

高中作文比賽第二年作文題目好像是SUNDAY MORNING
了解我的就知道  我高中時代週末最常做的事情  如果沒有補習  就是窩在家
那篇作文我沒有得第一名  因為我不知道我該寫些什麼鳥 
總不能寫我就是吃喝拉撒睡吧  我又不上教堂  就亂寫一通
而其實我那次已經很不想參加了  第一次就拿第一名 
我總覺得之後應該也要給別人也表現的機會  可是老師不肯
大概覺得我有拿名他走路走風  所以每次作文演講都派相同的人出去
(反正每次前幾名我看大都也都國外回來的  一點都不公平)
懶惰  一直就是我人生終極目標
我永遠記得侯文詠說自己的懶跟聰明  是相輔相成正比關係
小時候因為懶得起床關燈  而自己設計了電路接了開關到床頭
(然後燒掉製造了小爆炸  所以臉到現在還是黑黑的  那篇笑死我了)
所以我常因為懶得寫功課  所以動腦想出以最簡短的方式結束(=>哀求我姐幫我寫)
學好日文  因為懶得花時間跟前男友用漢字筆談
日文懶得一級一級考要考四次  乾脆第一次就直接考一級
懶得找工作  每次都有什麼就做什麼  所以做了很多鳥事  不過也學到不少東西
懶得換男人  明明哪裡有點問題也不想去解決
昨天EMAIL給前同事兼好友J 說我應該去找個有錢老頭結婚等遺產
當然不需要什麼首富  我想要人家伺候我我可不想伺候別人
我對人生要求其實很低  偏偏大家都覺得我標準超高
反正要了解一個人本來就是難事  尤其是在不在乎的情況下
(這句中文好難寫  嗚嗚  想好久寫不出英文那味道  陳太幫我想~~)

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