
donno what went wrong this week
all the sudden all the work is pushing up to me (since there is no one else that will help me)
yesterday had to OT till 7 30 and it was already 8 when i got home
all because stupid  president here told us last minute that he is going to HQ to report
without telling us when  
and it happened to be today...  and I HAD TO FINISH THAT STUPID PPT in 1 hr
and in the end he didnt like it so asked my boss to redo a PPT introducing the project to new chairman. 

that's why i OT

well then i was pissed and mentally too tired last nite to fall asleep
since this is a chairman level meeting i thought i didnt have to attend, after all, i am just a small little girl comparing with old men. 

i was so wrong
this morn when i got in office at 8 35 i was quite happy thinking my boss will leave the office and be in the stupid meeting for at least half day. so i didnt even put on any make up or even eye brows before i left the house. anyway after i got my sandwich breakfast and got ready to chat with Y, boss called me saying she told the president she will bring me.......  and we leaving in 10 minutes!!!!!! 

gosh why cant you just tell me a little bit earlier so i get more time prepare!??
i know i am no big person but at least i dont wanna look like some 20 yr old chick wearing jeans in front of our chairman.....  ><

anyway everything was too late
we went there and reported and chairman doesnt seem to be too pleased
told us we'll wait and see what happens
the worst situation for my boss...  and probably for me too 

i guess i will never get a chance to go SHA this yr.....  :P 

and after coming back to the office i was working on the fxxking stupid meeting minutes....!!!!!  sh!t
昨晚加班加到七點半  因為豬頭總ㄟ臨時叫我們做個PPT  說要去跟新頭子報告
又不滿意我們原先做的  叫我們重弄一個  X的幹機車

做完心情其實不是很好  因為覺得是急就章弄出來的  
回家就沒睡好  半夜爬起來跟KIRARA玩一下才睡著的

早上因為賴床  也就穿得很邋遢沒化妝  連眉毛都沒有就出門了
反正是老媽載我上班  無所謂
刷了卡買了三明治準備開始跟Y小姐聊天時  老闆打電話來
說  我跟他們說了要帶你去!!  準備一下十分鐘出發
靠ㄌㄟ  害我早餐也沒吃完  匆匆出門
就害我這邋遢相出現在頭子前面 嗚嗚
魚乾女只有在家才是魚乾好嗎!!!!!!  不要害我出門也當魚乾

更慘的是  報告完的結論是老闆最恨的

唉  我看我的SHA之路是遙遙無期了

不過這兩天真的有累到  把我嚇壞了
決定不要衝動的亂接家教  省得最後體力不夠沒辦法繼續

因為回到公司還不得休息  還要繼續搞會後紀錄報告...  老闆說今天下午一定要出來

    創作者 cavalli 的頭像


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