The meeting last nite with all top management was fierce and very interesting for me. All the people were trying to push away responsibilities by saying they were not there when the decision was made. Everything’s last CEO’s fault
It’s really funny watching those top managements splitting into 2 groups and some ppl changed position so quickly.
Anyhow, this project is still left pending and undetermined cos nobody wanna take the responsibility so the only decision made was to leave it to the board next month.
That’s easy for those top managements… esp with all the $$ they are making… = =||
But then obviously no one wants this project to keep going and I will probably be out of job pretty soon… ha~  unless they will have another new project or get me to do other job…
昨天辛苦的開完投審會 1630開始開 快七點才給我開完
坐老闆的車回台北 他路又不大熟 給我在南京東下 幹 超塞的好不好
又開錯車道 我跟他說要切右邊喔 他說那邊沒路  左邊也可以
說他住在那多久了 很熟的 靠 那兩條明明就是左轉道 塞到爆ㄟ
(因為上次從內湖開回家 因路不熟沒有上到市民大道 在那邊整個塞到)
所以回到家已經八點多了 還好 剛好趕上中華隊開打 幹 結果又輸
然後居然看到扁皇又出包  真的很機車  連罵都懶了
開會過程其實挺有趣的 看著上面凌波微步 四兩撥千金 真的很精彩
也許因為我一直當做在看戲 當CEO還有其他人在尻洗(台)這個計畫案時
我也忍不住整個笑出來 (還被老闆教訓了一下 說我笑太誇張! = =)
總而言之 結論就是整個案子下個月投董事會
而到時候 可能是個人獨挑大樑 因為有人決定拍拍屁股走人了
還大力建議我也盡快找新頭路 說如果我是在HQ就算了
在這個企畫部沒前途 最好快走
唉壓 其實他不知道我胸無大志 只要能有點事做 餬口飯吃 就很滿足了

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