K, after days of fighting with this stupid financial model, finally, I can say that I am one step away from completion!!! HAHAHAHAHA
I don’t know how I did it!! But now I have finished the cash flow table and next I can figure out the stupid NPV and IRR. Well I decided to leave the balance sheet behind pretending I never heard of it.
My task today is to finish the stupid cash flow so I am done for the day and only 1.5 hrs before my happy weekend!! As always, I have another busy weekend filled with dates and stuffs to do.
So my point is, now as I realize doing a BP is not too difficult. I plan to find a job in investment banking industry later if I wanna change job again. After all, it’s merely playing with numbers and how to interpret the numbers well enough to make others agree with you. So basically all they do all day is bull shitting. Oh, and networking. Typical MBA’s job.
在數星期的奮鬥後 我終於即將完成這個沒用的BP了!!!
今天我的工作就是完成現金流量表 而我已經完成了
還有1.5小時才下班 可是我已經準備迎接我的快樂週末
接著就是很快的用EXCEL算一下NPV IRR 交差
老闆就可以很有責任感的去辭職 我就可以開心的回復到我之前輕鬆的工作
我決定 如果很不幸的 我需要尋找下一份工作
我一定要進IB搞財務分析 X的這工作實在太簡單了
只要用EXCEL搞些假設 玩個數字 做個圖表
重點就是看你如何闡釋那些數字 簡而言之 就是畫虎爛
畫完只要有人同意你 你就可以拿到一筆錢 亂花