

Boss has today off… probably another interview with new job.

However, before she left yesterday she told me to update the income statement I “created” And today she expects me to complete creating the following cash flow and balance sheet!!


Wonderful! The reason I never ever want to get into accounting or finance industry is because I can never balance a balance sheet, not to mention cash flow chart. 



Anyhow, since I have no idea how to start I just do the stuff I like better first – reading economist daily chart... hahaha~


Somehow, I am really picky with water but I never really liked sparkling water until the first trip I went to EU. X insisted having sparkling water every time we had a chance and gradually I started to like it. European ppl consider running-out-of-gas sparkling water is DEAD so they all prefer sparkling.


The best water I ever drink was a bottled still water Pierval from France shown as previous photo. You can feel a bit of sweetness when drinking it, and I believe the taste is from the minerals and cleanness. 


I have no doubt UAE would consume the most bottle water but US got only top 9!!?? Gosh I always see bottle waters sold in costco like crazy and I know tons of ppl living in US drink only bottle waters and even give their dogs bottle water. But I do hate drinking from tap water in US cos the water tastes disgusting. That’s why I have




今天老闆請假  遺言叫我要重新UPDATE一下昨天掰完的INCOME STATEMENT


靠邀  我這人不搞財務不搞會計主要原因就是  我的BALANCE SHEET永遠都沒辦法BALANCE

  更別說 CASH FLOW也沒對起來過……  ><


既然我也想不出要怎麼開始  乾脆  來看我比較愛的  經濟學家的每日數據


今天講的是瓶裝水  台灣人漸漸的開始有了喝瓶裝水/礦泉水的習慣

現在去西餐廳  也通常會提供至少各一  上次去國賓牛排  就有氣泡一種  無氣泡數種

氣泡式最出名的大概就是SAN PELLEGRINO 也是我蠻喜歡的  COSTCO可以一次買一箱

夏天拿來加果汁  做調酒  都很讚  氣泡綿密但卻不會像難喝的PERRIER一樣大顆  會衝鼻+打嗝


我這人不知道為啥  從小對水非常挑剔  有一點怪味道都不肯沾唇

(不過還沒有洪小姐厲害  據說他可以喝出鮮奶跟奶粉泡出來的牛奶的不同)

從小一直不怎麼喜歡氣泡水的我  第一次去歐洲時  X只肯喝有氣泡的

從嘗試看看  到願意接受  到開始喜歡  只是現在因為容易脹氣  盡量不喝氣泡類飲料

歐洲人認為  氣泡水一旦沒氣  就表示這水死了  氣泡是為了表現這水的新鮮度

MAKE SENSE  不然水一旦喝過  放久了就會滋生細菌  只怕不知道喝下多少細菌


而我心中礦泉水第一好喝的  就是法國 甘露  星坊買的  如第一張照片

每次經過都想喝  又不想去面對心中的怪獸  就算ERIC老闆可以算我七折  還是躊躇不前


ANYWAY 回到數據  UAE第一名不意外  沙漠ㄇㄟ

老美居然只有第九名  我就有點吃驚了  記得COSTCO賣最好的可就是那些大大小小的瓶裝水

YU小姐夫妻兩人自己喝就罷了  他家狗也喝瓶裝水  多奢侈  這種人還真不少

不過US自來水真的很難喝  有怪味  所以我是用BRITA過濾後煮開  居然也就忍過了這麼些年

還好  回台灣後  終於又有得喝好喝的水了

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