All I can say is, I am part of the boring crowd who once in a while just wanna peek into some other abnormal people’s lives. Undoubtedly, the most beautiful man & woman’s twin babies must be eye candy. 

So I tried to google Bradgelina’s twins’ photos from People magazine cos obviously I don’t wanna waste my $ buying a copy. Well I was kinda disappointed cos the face of the baby is not even clear or big enough so I cant even tell if they are cute or not.

Then I found out this funny article saying the cover shot on People is photoshopped so that it seems like one baby is smiling. 

Hello~ editors~ or whoever made this stupid decision. I don’t have to confirm to know she is smiling when she is born in such wealthy + famous family. I would be fucking laughing so hard every single minute if I were her!! Only I am 30 yrs early.

像是  八卦一下不平凡的人的日常生活  發現原來他們也會大便放屁尿失禁
全世界最美麗的男女  生出來的BABY  還是雙胞胎  哇!  一定超可愛

興沖沖的跑去GOOGLE Bradgelina 因為生性節儉  不想花錢買一本PEOPLE
可惜照片太小  根本看不出來可不可愛嘛!!
PEOPLE封面那張照片  PHOTOSHOP 因為他們想要表現出BABY微笑的樣子

唉壓  不知道是編輯還是美編  你們也太搞笑了
這何必要你們花時間修片呢  屁股想也知道他一定笑得很開心啊
開玩笑  出生在這個老爸帥老媽美  有錢得不得了又有名的不得了的家庭
他能夠不開心嗎  一定燒了八輩子的好香  才有這個好因緣
要是我是他  我一定每分每秒都笑得很開心的  只可惜我早了30年投胎呀 扼腕!


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