while browsing bagsnob site where I visit every week for new bag reviews I saw this new target. The bag I wanna buy next time!! Only if I want another color… I don’t have too much purple stuff to go with purple bag like that… well since that bag is not too expensive I think I will buy that for myself for xmas… or new yr…
I shop according to my instinct so I know right away if I will buy it or not the moment I see it. Strangely I seldom buy stuff I don’t use too much. Well, honestly, I have to admit I did buy some stuff that I never use… but most of the time when it comes to expensive choices, I always buy something I believe I can use it for my entire lifetime.
Well I feel like more into working when I have a target in front of me…
Must because I was born in horse yr… so I need carrot hanging right there to keep me walkling… cos Johnny walker is not good enough for me…!!
當我看到某個東西 我馬上就知道我會不會買下他
獅子座購物靠的都是直覺 爽不爽
還好我很少買到不實用的東西… 當然不能說沒買過不實用的東西
不過 比例上算少的啦 嘿嘿
大部分我買的昂貴品 都是讓我可以用一輩子的
總而言之 我下一個要買的包包 就是這個!!!
在BAGSNOB上看到的 真的很可愛 用膩LV BV之後 決定換個口味
今年沒有年終 大概就算有也還是買不起
不過這個包包價格不貴 又很實用 又是小羊皮
只是我不愛紫色 沒關係 一定有別的顏色的
我猜台灣差不多賣7萬5 就決定拿來當自己的聖誕禮物好了 嘿嘿
當有一個明確的目標在前 工作起來比較有動力一點 哈
馬年生的 需要個紅蘿蔔在前面激勵我繼續走路
Johnny walker是沒用的~~~