
today i have become 30

as half of my life has gone by, i cant really describe how i am feeling right now
but i feel that i must write about something
one very important thing that keeps me company for the past 15 yrs 
that's LV

i remember the day my auntie in law asked my sister out
it was right before we moved to NZ and auntie said she had a gift for sister
i went along cos i was bored at home alone

we were brought to a famous shark fin restaurant near my house
a bowl of shark fin was about USD100
well after the very expensive lunch auntie brought us to a very elegant store
close to a high end department store in taipei at that time
i heard LV all the time cos my sis has been a big fan of it since high school
she was mumbling all the time how she wanted a LV bag blah blah 
while i had only vague idea of LV's monogram pattern

so there's the gift for my sis, a brand new LV bag 
she could pick whatever she liked, large or small 
i browse around the store checking on prices of each and every bag
each cost like 10 times more than the bowl of shark fin
i felt already very exicited touching and smelling those beautiful bags 
- must be very beautiful to sell at price like that!!

then it was when my dear auntie noticed me 
and there she said cavalli!! go pick one too!!
i was so overwhelmed and there i got my first monogram

and my sister got her first black epi
to be honest, i picked that one cos that was probably the cheapest bag in the whole store 
i was afraid to spend such a big $$ on a stupid bag
so i almost fainted when my sister picked that epi
cos price for that thing was almost double of my stupid monogram

anyhow, later we sold both of them and got other LV back
as ppl say diamonds are girls' best friend
i dont have any diamond yet so for me LV is my best friend


那時14歲  要移民NZ前某天  已離婚的二舅媽來電  找老姐吃飯送行
愛哭愛跟路的我  當仁不讓的跟著一起去
第一站是頂上魚翅  那時一碗3300  身上沒半毛錢的兩姐妹  吃的非常不安心
第二站就是先施隔壁的LV  一進門  東摸西摸便覺得很快樂的我  
當時零用錢只有100的我  想不出怎麼會有人有錢到可以買五位數的包包

老姊念的是有錢二世祖眾多的私立高中  對LV情有獨鍾  一直嚷嚷著要一個LV包
前二舅媽知道老姊念茲在茲  決定幫他實現願望  讓他自己挑一個
一點也不覺得羨慕的我  看著老姊煩惱於各樣包包中  只覺得能夠摸摸這些包包就很愉快了
親愛的舅媽卻不願意忽視我  轉頭來溫柔的說  cavalli 你也去挑一個吧!!

樂昏頭的我  卻只敢買一個店裡看起來最便宜的包包 - monogram
哎呀  老姊挑的EPI可是我的MONOGRAM的兩倍呢~~  
(而且因為太老款  ELUXURY已經找不到了)

漸漸地  名牌變成必需品

不同個性的姐妹  喜歡的東西實在差很多
老姊有數十個包  我則有數十雙鞋
老姊從一而終的眼光永遠停留在LV上  我卻變心愛上BV柔軟的皮革

而我的癖好  因為我的腳小  永遠只能自己使用
老姊的喜好  卻可以到處分享  因此多出來的包  通通丟在家給我亂用

在我滿30的今天  特以此文紀念陪伴我走過一半人生的LV
有些人會背叛  有些人會改變人生方向  安慰的是  還好有些東西是不會變的
我沒有鑽石   就當LV BV是我的最好的朋友吧!!
    創作者 cavalli 的頭像


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