Right after I finished the stupid financial model last FRI, boss came telling me that CEO is coming on 26 to discuss every investment and subsidiaries we are running here. So we must have the PPT ready before 26. So she ordered me to finish the PPT at home during the weekend!!  F her!! 

So I finished the whole calculation with some help from buddy on the weekend and got to office around 8 15 Monday morn and started working on the stupid PPT. Boss was very pushy and demanding. While I was having lunch, she suddenly came to me saying the meeting is pushed up to 4pm today! So we had to be ready at 3pm. Sigh,…
(Staci helped me a lot too!! thank you la!!~~)

Somehow I finished everything by deadline and whole project looked not too bad. Finally boss told me I did great job so far and she is very impressive and gave me full credit for my review. Well she should!!!!!

So hopefully my work should return to the old leisurely doing nothing much style soon. Though I can’t tell the result of the whole project cos we got an order to shut our mouth up!
上星期五興奮的PO完上篇文之後  突然接到消息說CEO26號要來開會

HQ要我們準備準備報告  我們這CASE自然是重頭戲

老闆就叫我把PPT趕出來  叫我週末回家做  他星期一一早要看

馬的ㄌㄟ  超機車


還放話說他做一個MODEL可是有五千美金的行情  可惜貧窮學姐只出的起泡沫紅茶的零頭

最後幫我算出NPVIRR  我回家只要寫完PTT就好  嘿嘿 

可是因為不爽週末寫  乾脆推到星期一去

  昏頭了一個早上終於完成草稿  想說好好睡個午覺再來繼續

結果吃飯吃到一半  老闆就衝來  跟我說HQ要我們去報告
總而言之我準時完成了  也希望之後的生活能夠回歸之前無聊每天閒著沒事的生活  哈


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