Meeting with old time students is very scary. It’s like looking at my own children growing and they grow all so fast making me start to feel I am so old now. Or should say I got old already and things change as well.

They moved, grew taller, more mature, English is now like very good, even Chinese is improved. Emiri is going to university next year majoring in Eco. A Cyan is now form 6 and 2 more yr to go university. Good thing that they told me I don’t change a bit at all. Well, the only thing I feel myself changed is within. 

Well I do think they are both great kids and I still love to hang out with them. Just soon I think I won’t have anything good enough to teach them anymore. 
跟以前的家教學生見面是讓人很戒慎恐懼的  俗話說  被孩子追老了 

我那天真的有這種感覺  雖然本來就很老了

化了妝穿著他以前唾棄的高跟鞋  A CYAN長的高又壯 

當我在順成看到他兩時  一整個認不出來

只有臉上些許的稚氣未脫  看得出一點影子

明年要進大學了  他成績很好  應該可以進前十志願  他想主修ECO

A CYAN還不清楚自己想念什麼  可是也在兩年就要進大學了

我叫他去研究看看會計或財務  他對數字很有概念  也很細心仔細  應該很適合走這行

  (笑)  因為我變了的是內在  不是外觀

  在英國也很努力  學著自己不一定喜歡的東西

很快的  我想我也沒什麼好教他們的了  頂多是以朋友的身份從旁協助罷了


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