Ever since my mom realized KIRARA is very clean and no flea, she gave KIRARA a new task, to wake me up when I don’t want to!!
Like this morning, after my mom gave up waking me up, she decided to send her best weapon – KIRARA. Then my mom put KIRARA onto my bed, next second, she flied to my head and started to scratch my face with her nails. Also she was trying to lick my face until she found joy of her life – my tangled hair. She started to search for big knots so she can chew on until I got up and threw her out of my bed.
Sh!t they altogether piss me off!! Is this so call “shoot myself in the foot!?”
早上我如果賴床 我媽大概會來叫床兩次 我還是不肯起床的話
之前他沒有大絕招 只能等我自己心甘情願起床
現在他有了最佳武器 就是KIRARA
像今天早上 8點15了我還不肯起床 老媽就把KIRARA丟到我床上
他神速的衝到我的頭上 開始扒+舔我的臉 受不了的我把頭埋起來
他居然轉移目標 朝我糾結的頭髮進攻
可能是在尋找最大的結 啃我的頭髮啃得不亦樂乎
頭髮被拉扯的很痛的我 當然只好起床 把KIRARA給丟到床外 乖乖準備出門上班
唉……. 這就叫做拿石頭砸自己的腳嗎