I really think I get insomnia and its getting worse… Sigh~
I feel tired during day time when I have to work but so energetic in bed.
All the numbers, people’s faces, memories, conversations, haunt me
Last nite, out of no where, the organic sandwich/café on Forest
Street, where I lived during my second yr in boston, came up to me.
I thought I was dreaming and it was so vivid and real that I can
almost feel the touch of the wooden table and the smell of tea and
coffee and the warmth from sandwiches and the olive oil vinegar
over salad.
Then I figured I was still awake and it was my own imaginary scene.
And I only went there for less than 10 times that whole year… always
drove by though…
How weird. So I got up and went to living room and KIRARA was there.
She now is very clever and knows if it’s dark outside, I will be home soon.
My mom says after sunset she would sit straight by door and pay high
attention to whenever first floor door is opened.
So I sat there and played with her until I fell asleep.
Poor her cos obviously she didn’t get enough sleep so she wouldn’t eat
breakfast this morning and went back to her bed for more sleep.
Well, poorer me needed to get up and come to work making bitch boss
happy… > < I’d rather be a dog!!!
我想我的失眠症頭有點愈趨嚴重的傾向 唉~
白天明明累的要死又超想睡 晚上到床上精神就超好
數字 臉孔 對話 記憶 歷史 全部跑出來煩我
昨晚 也不知道搞什麼 波士頓第二年住的那條街上的生機三明治店
突然跑進腦子裡 轉啊轉的 明明沒去過幾次啊… 倒是常開車經過
記憶向來很差的我 對店裡的咖啡壺 茶包 陳設 櫃臺 倒是歷歷在目
木桌椅的觸感 咖啡+茶香 三明治的溫熱 沙拉油醋的味道
唸幾遍心經按摩完肚子做幾個瑜珈動作拉筋 卻還是無法順利入眠
老媽說現在他精的很 看到窗外天黑了 就知道我快要下班回家了
就會跑到門口坐著等 一樓大門有聲響 就會很緊張的焦躁不安以為是我
我就把他抱上沙發摸他聽著他打呼的聲音 就睡著了
雖然睡眠還是不足夠 總比整夜沒睡來的好
早上可憐的他明顯的睡眠不足 連早飯都不想吃 跑回他的窩睡回籠覺
更可憐的我還要準備出門上班 取悅機車老闆 > <
當狗果然比較開心 開心很多 嗚嗚~