I am fucking so pissed right now. My fucking boss really knows how to drive me crazy.

The first time we went to HQ to have a meeting she asked me to borrow a laser pointer. Then I got her one and she complained to me that one is hard to use and broken blah blah blah. Then I never touched that pointer since but been seeing her using it.

Yesterday HR came asking me about that pointer and wanted it back so I went to boss and asked her about it. She said she never saw that pointer since either. So she must have given it back to someone. Today I confirmed with HR and she doesn’t have that pointer in stock so I had to go ask boss again. This time she told me she also had no idea where that pointer is at and later she started to use her own one, which happens to be exactly the same one as the one I borrowed for her.

  馬的  老闆真的很機車 

我們第一次去HQ報告時  他匆忙中叫我去借支簡報用雷射筆
去了報告自然是報告的人拿著  就是他
之後他也一直沒還我  而在後來幾次的簡報中  我也一直有看到他用
(因為是一支長的像粗的鋼筆  個人覺得挺好辨識) 

HR跑來跟我要  說每次用完都要還
我跑去找老闆要  他居然說  他手上沒有了  他已經還了
滿腦子狐疑的我  就問說你是還給誰呢???  他居然說  我也不記得

HR跑來問  我轉告老闆的話  他回去看存貨跟我說還沒還啊
我只好在跑去問一下老闆  跟他確認說是第一次他用的  用完還抱怨很難用那支
他好樣的居然說    對啊  上次報完我就給你啦  你回去找找  還是你就丟在HQ
有點不爽的我  就問他說  可是我一直有看到老闆你在用啊
他居然回我  那支是我自己的  上面還有刻字(結果也沒拿出來給我看)

  不爽為了一支一百塊的東西跟他糾纏  老娘決定自己掏腰包買一支賠公司就算了
碼的這個人真的不愧是老闆  有好處衝第一  有危機落跑第一  有責任推給我  說都是ET做錯
之前每次去HQ報告  如果他自己覺得他沒有準備好 
報告前1分鐘他就會跟我說 ET這次給你報告吧  每次我都傻眼看著他
對象是CEO  你以為我們在MBA上課開玩笑嗎 
我報不好  到時候總ㄟ罵你呢  又可以推到我身上  說他自己強要表現的  昏倒

  碰上的老闆不是沒用的就是沒擔當的  嗚嗚
我想  要一個好老闆  比要一個好男人  還要難上幾百倍吧  老闆無論男女都一樣機車
既然我也沒碰過好男人  難怪我也碰不上好老闆


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