Today VP asked me to go to his office and told me everyone is very impressed with my work for the past 3 months. So it means I have past my probation period and now am official employee here in this company!!
Well though of course he asked me if I feel my specialties are not fully utilized,… to be honest, it really depends on how they define my “specialties”. For me, I just want a nice stable job in a stable company where I can make stable $$$ and progress with not much stress and work load. So I think this job is pretty good for me for now. Ha~ though $$ is too little… but anyway, I don’t need too much $$ since I have other cash inflow… :P
the only thing i am pissed right now is still about my boss. she said she will ENSURE my FUTURE before she leaves the company. FIRST, my future is not in your hand! u r no god and i am no idiot. i know what future i want. anyway so now i got 1.5 new project on hand to work on. she was planning to give me both plans but unfortunately those two places are way too far and i wont be able to be doing it at same time.
so i will start to be busy since today!!!! Fxxk, i was thinking to rest at least for a whole week!!!!!
剛VP把我叫去辦公室 跟我說我試用期的考績非常好
他希望我會繼續在這邊努力工作 雖然說他不清楚有沒有加薪 不過沒關係 我打算等到年底一次要
總而言之 我已經通過試用期 變成正式員工啦~~ 嘿嘿
之後又問我些問題啦 會不會不適應(我可是菜籽命 到哪都適應好不好)
問我會不會覺得在這邊大材小用 (開什麼玩笑 混吃等死的生活向來是我的人生目標
倒是沒問我辛不辛苦 (奇怪 你不知道我最近加班加很大嗎?)
叫我要多融入部門 (說真的 我跟大家感情都超好ㄟ 只有四個人的部門 能不好嗎)
多多幫助其他人 (靠 再幫下去我直接幫他們做完算了)
也不用太多啦 夠用就好了 反正我還有其他收入來源 嘿嘿~
只是沒想到機車老闆昨天就開始不安於室 急著要『安排』我的未來
靠腰ㄌㄟ 我的將來的光明是在我手上 不是在你手上好嗎 你以為你誰啊!!
所以現在我手上已經又多了1.5個案子 有個0.5是因為我只需要協助
雖然他本來想兩個全都丟給我 可惜兩個案子地點差太遠 除非我可以分身同時出現
可惜我不是妙麗~ 也沒在演哈力波特
所以 我今天 又要開始忙了 嗚嗚~~~ 我本來計畫休息一整個星期的 亙
- Aug 28 Thu 2008 18:58
Probation period / 試用期