After posting fighting article, the ppl reading my blog suddenly
increased. So I should really post more fighting kinda articles. But
too bad that I have been training myself to endure as much as
possible, so there isn’t really too much drama going on..
Today I was discussing new project with boss, and she told me
with a map “this is largest municipality in china, thus the location
of our project is very distant from city center. It will be very tough
for you to live there later.”
What the fxxk, I am not going to live there!!! SHA is huge huge
difference from CQ ok!!?? I am not going to live in west china
where I have to eat spicy pot every meal.
Then her conclusion is, we visiting local office there next week!
To checking on the financial reports, profits, expenses, costs, & etc.
However, this is a JV and some CN state owned com owns the most
share. Will I die there next week!???? It is very scary!!!!
了火爆文之後 人氣一時暴增 所以我如果要衝人氣 應該多PO一點
可惜最近努力修身養性 潛心學佛 避免製造事端 應該很難天天火爆
(雖然星期二吃飯有碰到白目男 不過程度太輕微 懶得特地撰文紀念)
今天跟老闆討論新計畫 他拿著地圖 跟我說這是中國最大直轄市
計畫的位置跟市中心 差很遠 你以後住在那裡會很辛苦
靠背 我才不要去住在那偏僻地方 說什麼最大中心 狗屎
SHA跟CQ差很多好嗎 我才不要住在鳥不生蛋每餐都吃麻辣鍋的地方
然後他的結論就是 我們下星期出發去當地調查
查帳 查利潤 查支出費用 查成本 重點是 我們是JV 對岸佔大股
我會不會下週掛在那!? 嗚嗚 好害怕喔