Suddenly I found out that I haven’t done an article about
the drama about my company’s top management. In
conclusion, Fri, the HQ replaced our biggest and second
biggest top heads and the new order would be effective on
Mon 9/1.
Soon, boss asked me if I knew this before she did and of course
I would pretend I know nothing at all. Playing innocent victim is
one of my specialties now so she believed my act easily. Heehee
Then she said the project I am working on allow NO MISTAKE
now cos new boss blah blah blah and called off the business trip
plan for next week!~ yeah for me~
Since I heard about the news I figured boss would have to quit
sooner than she had it planned. As expected, she mentioned
she said to go quitting Fri afternoon, but still did NOT go. I was
kinda disappointed about the fact that she is still here today
working with me!!
Friend’s mom soon called me up that night. (even if she doesn’t
call me, I would’ve called her during the weekend anyway… I so
wanna know the first hand gossips… ha~) Dear auntie told me
everything is alright and I should have no worry if I work hard and
new top will like me. (she said new top doesn’t like my boss too
much anyway)
Well, even from some people’s point of view, I am just a lazy bone,
+ stupid, hanging around, doing nothing, and useless woman.
According to my observation from my working experience, I am still
way better off than the average. So I don’t worry at all.
The only thing that bothers me is that new top cares a lot about
proper clothing… so I guess I cannot wear slippers and t-shirts
at office anymore. Sigh~
突然發現 我居然還沒UPDATE辦公室的最新劇情
真是太對不起上演這齣戲賣力表演的高層了 呵呵~
我週五的MSN ID就是 山雨欲來 是滴 還沒風滿樓 我們這雨已經下超大
(而且國文很差的我 本來寫成風雨欲來的 那不是山滿樓了嗎 哈!)
星期五呢 還在跟吵著要我去重慶的老闆生悶氣的我 悶悶的到飯區吃飯
同部門的R跟著跑來 邊吃邊聽管理部的竊竊私語 交代星期一一定要非常注重儀容
NO jeans, NO Slippers, NO messing around. 一頭霧水的我問R知不知道他們在幹嗎
他神秘的點點頭回答我說 待會MSN~
結果就收到大八卦 經事後證實 我們這邊的最大頭+第二大頭 都被換掉
對大頭我沒有特殊感情 二頭是錄取我的好人+每次都坐他的車到HQ開會
對我算是照顧有加 非常溫和的一個好長官 只是已經在等退休 ∴沒有很積極
總而言之 聽到這消息我有點難過 因為太突然了
連說個掰都沒時間 只能寫封MAIL聊表心意
同時 又不自禁的竊喜 這樣機車老闆辭職的那日應該又要提早了
果然 老闆馬上神速的把我叫去 問我知不知道這件事
就算知道也要裝作痴呆的我 當然矢口否認 心中暗笑自稱有管道的他居然最晚得到消息
老闆很識時務的馬上改口 下星期不能離開 要在辦公室觀測天象釐清上意才行
現在這計畫不能出錯 因為新長官)&︿%&* 屁話一堆省略 叫我要小心點
接著屁說那他下午就要去找大頭表明辭意 結果還是沒去找 X
總而言之 大致上並沒有一絲不安的D喀我 回家路上接到S媽來電
一路上因為即將得到第一手八卦而非常興奮的我 連吃到難吃的要死的麵都愉快的遺忘
回家打給S媽 他說一切已經交代好 我不用擔心 只要好好努力 新頭會賞識我的
基本上 我從來不擔心這種事情 我的能力腦力努力程度或許在某些人眼裡看起來差透了
根據我觀察的結果 我再爛再混再懶也遠遠高出平均值
他還說了新頭不喜歡老闆 所以 我想老闆走的時間應該快了吧
我每分每秒都在祈禱!! 唉呀 雪特 忘了叫X媽幫我懇求母娘了
唯一一項讓我稍稍覺得不快的 就是聽說新頭非常注重服裝儀容
唉 我以後不能穿著隨便邋遢的去上班了…