
Sigh, there have been so~~~ much sh!t going on in my company
that I don’t know where to start.

After endless meetings with new top and bitchy boss our department
has fallen into darkest hell. Our daily tasks actually decreased, BUT
what we need to do now is more complicated and difficult. Like my
manager said, we don’t have the ability to do those stuffs. Well,
like they probably will expect me to do more (and of course must be
better) financial analysis or as the others to propose a better
managerial procedure.

Not to mention bitchy boss did nothing to help us but kept telling new
top how slacking off the whole department has been.

After today’s meeting, I can’t help but dislike my bitchy boss more &
more. Anyhow, she brought the whole department huge huge huge trouble
and I don’t even know if she will stay with us to help any little bit to
solve the whole mess she is creating right now. From my point of view if
she is leaving I hope she leaves as soon as possible without bringing us
anymore trouble!!! But now as everyone telling me that is quite impossible
and I am now trying to accept the fact that she is staying and leading the
whole department until I don’t know when.


Just as I thought I finally fled away from the bitch family, I got another
new bitch in front of me. Why the hell god has to torture me like this!?

Sigh, so it simply means I am going to Chong-Chin next WED and don’t
get me started about how the fxxk it happened.

Last nite, my mom had the A/C too cold and I woke up shivering. Today
I have been sneezing and running nose all day. Tomorrow I have to be
my mom’s jap friends’ translator and tour guide. I don’t know if I will
be able to survive all these.


短短一週內已經發生太多事情  讓我不知該如何敘述的悲慘

總而言之  在和新頭子開完無數的會議之後


完全不理會我們部門僅四位同仁這個現實  接下好幾個大到不行的大案子

公司管理制度重新修訂  高層研討會(而且要辦大)ISO與現實操作要串連


中止的案子明明不關我們的事了還硬要插一手  要『協助』上層了解現實


重點是  明明就一直吵著說要走要走的人

怎麼還在這  案子越搞越多  越搞越大  好像不走了一樣

星期二還在跟我碎念說  新工作遲遲不給他答覆  他只好勉強留在這

星期三就馬上和我們同舟共濟  榮辱與共  當個實際上的老闆

我真的很不能接受  他將會一直領導我下去  這個現實

讓我一時之間  很努力的考慮  離開這個選項

(好不容易脫離賤人家族的魔掌  現在又來一個賤人領導  完全擋住我的升遷路

老天可不可以不要繼續折磨我  難道我還不夠苦命嗎?!)


所以  不幸的我下週三要跟他一起去重慶了  六才回來

我必須犧牲我和ANGEL小姐的烤肉約會  以及我的週六假日一整天!

(晚上十點半才有可能到家  如果飛機不誤點的話)


我已經又氣又累到病了  昨晚被我媽的冷氣冷醒

今天已經開始狂流鼻水  製造衛生紙餛飩


我到底能不能撐到下週過完呢!???  ………

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