Sep 2nd 2008 From article/原文)
Innovative things to do with a banana
“BEHOLD, the atheist’s nightmare,” declares Ray Comfort, an
Australian evangelist, as he holds up a banana in a hugely popular
video on YouTube. The fruit, he says, testifies to God’s creative
genius. It comes with a colour-coding system that shows when it
is ready to eat (green is too early, black too late); an easily gripped,
biodegradable wrapper; and a “tab at the top” which, unlike that on
a can of soda, works so well that when you pull it “the contents
don’t squirt in your face.”
Though I am fxxking busy and pissed at work, I just cannot help but
typing this post right now. Sometimes I do appreciate UK humor a lot
more than US humor though I have never been UK. Well, maybe cos I
love irony more than anything that I even satirized myself when I felt
most upset.
Basically, I believe we ought to create some fun living in this hopeless
world, even sometimes we have to sacrifice ourselves.
In the end, this funny beginning article is only discussing the new BANANA
fruppuccino starbucks is selling right now in US market and how new
products affect the share price. I am never big fan of starbucks cos I make
better coffee and tea but I do like their Japanese limited tumblers and mugs.
So I hope they can least survive and keep creating annual SAKURA limited
tumbler. :P
But all my dear friends in US please do me a favor and go order a banana
mango orange fruppuccino with a shot!!!! I so wanna know what it tastes like…
(翻譯)澳洲傳教士RAY COMFORT宣稱:注意!無神論者的惡夢!(受歡迎的佈道實況請見YouTube)他拿著一根香蕉說著:這根水果證明了主神奇的創造力!!香蕉,具有色彩辨別系統,清楚的表明自己什麼時候可以被吃掉(綠色還沒熟,黑色又太熟了);與生具來好撕好剝且可生物分解的包裝紙;以及最重要的一點:最頂端的蒂完美的呈現上帝的巧思,你在打開香蕉的時候,不像開罐裝汽水需要非常小心,不然會被顏射。
我只能說 英國人真的太搞笑了 連寫個明明很嚴肅的探討星巴客新品VS股價的文章
都要搞笑一下 不然作者可能渾身不對勁 這種帶諷刺的幽默是我最喜歡的
好歹 我連在最悲慘的時候都可以沒事諷刺一下自己 來娛樂大眾
犧牲小我完成大我 反正人生不就這麼一回事 能笑總比哭好
總而言之 是在說星巴客在長期生意不振 股價下滑 叫回創立者來拯救公司後
他的策略就是關店 創立新產品 香蕉 則是他的救星
去過LA的就知道 一定要去朝聖的就是JUMBA JUICE
可以特調加了高蛋白啦 纖維粉啦 不加啦 等等的各種果汁冰沙
美國人很愛香蕉 草莓香蕉冰沙好比我們的珍奶 滿地都是
可是 老美是個很不愛買蔬菜水果的人種 想想 要是兩個禮拜才買一次菜
所以我每星期都要去COSTCO一下 採買水果
又因為一個人吃不多 只好每次都買昂貴量少的 櫻桃 草莓 葡萄
五磅的香蕉 24顆蘋果 20磅的香吉士 絕對不會出現在我購物車中
現在又鼓吹健康風 減肥風 蔬菜水果攝取超不足又懶得要死的老美
只好選擇用喝的 喝蔬菜水果 (台灣現在也開始有這個風潮)
喝了蔬果汁還覺得不夠 硬要加上纖維粉 大概這樣可以多瘦一磅
高蛋白粉 大概可以多長兩盎司肌肉
星巴客大概就在這股果汁風潮下 開始漸漸不敵蔬果汁
現在終於想要跟上潮流 新產品是完整一根香蕉下去打的星冰樂
兩種口味分別是加芒果柳橙汁 跟 巧克力
芒果柳橙香蕉星冰樂加鮮奶油 巧克力香蕉加個SHOT 加上各種不同口味糖漿
我只能說 這種似(ㄆㄨㄣ)的東西 大概也只有老美喝的下去