Booming business-school applications
US trend, when business is no good, ppl cannot get too much $$$ out of the market, they tend to get a loan and go back to school studying and waiting for a better timing.
Well I remember my timing was quite opposite, when I started MBA, the economy was pretty good. When I finished it, the market was already slowing down.
But I think that was a trend more for finance major/related applicants. As for marketing, the market is never good since too many ppl jumping in and super low entry barrier.
As for being able to get a job in US, while most of marketing major graduates can’t,...
I don’t know if I was being lucky or unlucky… ha~

早就想寫這篇了 結果從上星期忙碌到今天 才有一點空把這篇生出來
美國業界的趨勢 一當景氣不好 一群華爾街失業的就會跑去借錢念MBA
所以看數據圖會很有趣 也對 沒賺頭的時候 當然要把錢投資在自己身上
也因此 景氣不好的時候 MBA越難申請
我申請的時候景氣還不錯 印象中 到最後要出來的時候反而不大好
不過還是勉強可以找到工作 雖然不知道是幸還是不幸 總是個經驗

就像評論中有人在笑 如果美國經濟在持續惡化下去
到最後會製造多少個MBA出來呢!? 挺有趣的 哈~

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