
mom’s friend’s daughter is a musician playing French Horn or something huge…  she only knows it’s something big)
so she received 2 ticket of a ballet show performed by taipei chamber ballet - La dame aux camellias 
I was supposed to go watch Lion King with Sharon at that same time but her mom wanna go too in the end so I sold her my ticket and went to this ballet with cousin May.

It was a pretty good small show. The ballerina from Prague is very beautiful and the young male dancer is handsome too. Even this is a too famous and too familiar story, in the end I was still touched and almost cried. Over all we had pretty good time, esp. the Italian food & beer for dinner. Ha~

Though I don’t like modern ballet like this one, for they always put a lot of emphasis on costume and settings. I prefer classic ballet with pure body language, fluent movement that goes perfect with music rhythm, the emotions and tensions behind each gesture. Only its hard to find good ballet performance here in tw...

Strangely, among all performances, my favorites are operas and musicals and ballet… Obviously, ballet is an odd one cos it’s the only one requires no singing. I would fall asleep very soon listening to orchestra!! Perhaps cause I learned ballet for a while and I still remember how jealous I was when watching others dancing and jumping high and flipping around… especially my sister could do all of those. Or it could be all the Japanese ballet comics I read when I was little…

I still remember my ballet teacher’s best photo hanging on her wall, splitting her legs straight flying in sky.

老媽朋友的女兒在某個交響樂團彈奏某個樂器(他完全記不得是啥  只記得是大型樂器)
所以給了老媽兩張芭蕾舞票  本來要去看獅子王的我  因為美女雪倫老媽也想去看 
孔融讓梨  乾脆換場  找了表妹May去看芭蕾舞  台北室內芭蕾 茶花女

  熟到要爛的故事  看到最後還是讓人感動的眼淚都要掉下來
表演的很成功  如果沒有後面的死小孩幫女主角的咳嗽配音就更完美了
女主角美男主角帥  更別提那身材有多完美多FIT  +充滿感情的演出
最後女主角掛掉時  那翩翩掉下的山茶花  超詩情畫意的
只是表演中  舞蹈的技巧並沒有太困難的 
就別太苛求了  我人在台灣又不是在東歐還俄國

  我最愛的  除了那些有唱歌的歌劇音樂劇以外
唯一一個不需要唱歌  我還喜歡的  就是芭蕾舞了
大概因為小時候學過  好羨慕那些穿著澎澎裙  包包頭  滿身蕾絲
跳得卻很高  動作又很優美的同學 (我姐也是其中之一)
又或者是因為  看了太多次芭蕾舞鞋漫畫  被洗腦了 

跳得高高的劈腿  在空中停住那剎那  超美~~


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