Yesterday coworker showed me a blog
It has a post saying that women compared with men
get a higher chance of having nightmares…
usually the nightmares of women is about losing something
someone, etc.
that nite, inevitably I got an nightmare...
I dreamed that my boss happily came telling me
that she rented an apartment near office
later if I need to OT I can just use that room and it would
be a lot more comfy than office.
Right before she was going to open the door,
my alarm went on so I waked up.
Its not really scary but it probably shows how much
stress I do feel about my job right now.
My coworkers were all laughing when I told them about
the dream… I can only wish my nightmare ends sooner…
昨天看到同事介紹的某BLOG 裡面一篇寫著男女大不同
就真的昨晚就做了個詭異的惡夢 不恐怖也不驚嚇也不是我失去什麼
而是夢見我老闆興沖沖的跟我說 他在公司附近租了間雅房
以後要加班可以去那邊 比在公司輕鬆的多了 云云
我兩坐電梯上五樓 有個很大的像川堂一樣的東西 擺著超大張桌子
桌子上放滿乾洗回來的衣物 都用塑膠袋套好
走到5-3號 門前的桌上也放滿他的衣物 正要開門時
我的手機鬧鐘解救了我 讓我不用再繼續驚恐下去
跟我同事講的時候 大家都笑了
夢到我們在開部門會議 然後他往四周一看
居然所有人都在畫雪人 可能是暗示 我們的會議冷到一個不行
事實上 通常的確也是冷到一個不行…