While I was staring at the screen having no idea for a post LA landlord Tim send me his new blog.
I was laughing at him that I don’t know he could write besides smoking weed. He said he cant but he type when he is high~
So while I was checking up his blog and chatting with him, he told me he reads my blog both in English & Chinese. He would go back and forth to check both languages because he wanna know how I translate certain phrases.
And he helped me with one demonstration:
“Next second, roaring teeth, flying claws, hateful person for the next 8 generations”
It was from the ending of previous blog I wrote in Chinese and his first translation!
Very funny!!
他說他惹到HIGH了就會很多話 所以決定也來一個BLOG
順口問到他看我的都看中文還英文 他就說都看
還會來回參照 看我怎麼翻譯
“Next second, roaring teeth, flying claws, hateful person for the next 8 generations”