
To get Kirara spayed, my mom took her to Vet for check up last FRI. After blood test and check up, vet said she was totally healthy except that she has arrhythmias, i.e. irregular pulse.


So I went home right after work last FRI and took her to take X-ray shots of her chest. Yesterday my mom took her to vet again and did some other tests to approve that she will react okay for anesthesia. The surgery is booked on 10th and I really hope she will be alright… But those fucking tests cost almost USD100!! Including the $$ for spay, Kirara has already spent USD300+ for the past week!! Shit!!


For the past 2 days I had been fxxking busy at work with the guests from India so I don’t even have time to go to vet myself. Finally I got a few seconds to call back home and mom told me she is shivering and feeling not too well… sigh~


I wonder if she really has those problems or just the vet is trying to make $$ out of us… But I guess I don’t have any other choice since I am no vet and it is extremely difficult to Google any useful information online about pets.


Damn it, dogs isn’t any easier than babies at all!!


 上禮拜五老媽帶KIRARA去檢查身體  看可不可以結紮了

檢查半天醫生說好像有心律不整  只好去照胸部X

(有另外一隻馬爾濟斯也去照  他肚子裡有3BABY


昨天送片子給醫生看  又做了什麼超音波

花了一堆錢  檢查東檢查西加上結紮費用  花了快一萬

這兩天公司又超忙  好不容易送走印度客人

抓個空檔打回家問  終於結紮完畢

可是好像很難過  一直發抖



不過我也沒有別的選擇  我又不是獸醫




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