Probably coz of age, now I don’t wanna spend precious time and energy on “guessing”
I guess the moment I started to hate the word “guess” was when I first met the Japanese EX. When we first talked, he asked me how old I was and I replied “have a guess” Later I spent 1 hr or 2 trying to explain what tf “guess” means.
I never play guessing game since.
Last week I got an email as following,
Hi ET,
How have you been? Dont know if you even remember me but I just wanted to say hi and see how you are doing. Take care. Michael
I searched thru my flash memory and there’s no Michael. So I had to search thru my hard disk instead. I don’t know many Michael thank god and I finally found the suspect, some ex-coworker from LA and thank god I was right!
To be honest, I totally have no idea of why the hell he sent email like that. Coz if he knew I wouldn’t remember him, why didn’t he fucking just tell me up front who he fucking is. Wouldn’t that be much easier for both of us, or least, easier for me!?
咳咳 上面那些不小心寫太多了
自從大二時日文還很破時 度丟前日本人男友
他問我幾歲 我叫他猜猜(guess) 他完全不懂guess的意義
然後我枉然的試圖解釋了一小時吧… 年輕時大把光陰可以揮霍啊~
然後上禮拜收到封媚兒 問候拎祖媽還沒死嗎
還說你應該不記得我了吧只是想說HI啦 賣可
恩 說真的 全天下的賣可不知道有多少個
唉 看看他的mail address ID突然覺得好像某種computer geek
回想了一下認為應該是LA的前同事 他應該算專案組的
我也討厭看到這種東西 煩死了
要嘛就直接跟我說你是誰 不要在那邊我猜中你是誰還要裝驚訝
亙 就算我記得也不代表在我心中有什麼鬼份量
只不過就是個剛好被我記住的路人甲ㄇㄟ 驚喜個什麼鬼!