Last nite finally got home after tutoring my cousin, mom told me she found KIRARA weird when she pees. She pees like this:
I first thought she just likes to stand a lot cos she would be able to see more if taller. My mom told me she actually pees with that pose facing to piano or glass door……
I was really speechless and as long as she also pees normally I guess it’s nothing too serious that I should worry about.
The only thing that concerns me is that peeing like that would get the area messier than peeing normally.
And right after I cleaned her potty b4 I went to bed she stood up and peed right at her potty’s area….. only her potty was not there at that moment cos I was cleaning it!!!!  Damn it.
昨晚教完表弟回到家  老媽急著跟我報告他的新發現
就是KIRARA很愛站著噓噓  也不是跟男生狗狗一樣翹一隻腿
而是整個人站起來  手撐著牆壁  如上圖  這樣姿勢噓噓
我對這姿勢並沒有太大意見  只是怕他這樣噓噓會沾到腿的毛
還有會搞的整個便盆比較髒  比較難清
結果昨晚睡前去玩弄她時  覺得太臭了決定幫她換尿布
結果就在我把便盆拿出來沒多久  她就給我站起來面對鋼琴
開始噓噓  唉……

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