Since this week, Kirara is having her first estrus. So we are expecting her first period.

Last week she finished all the injections and doc said we can take her to hospital next month to spay and insert chip.


Since Monday, she started to rub her bed’s edge, and I wonder if I should say that she is masturbating… and it is sad to see her in an uncomfortable status.

She has been refusing to eat and I wonder if its all because she is in a bad mood.


Well, I would too, if I were a dog…


She is now 3.6kg and doc says she will grow a little bit bigger. I hope she stays within 4kg… or she will be too heavy for me to carry…  heehee



Kirara 上週打了狂犬病預防針,就完成所有幼犬需要的預防針程序

這週就應醫生所言  發情了  會抓著他床鋪的邊緣摩擦



目前只能努力轉換他的注意力  沒事跟他多多玩耍

看是不是跟人一樣  多消耗體力就會比較不去想SEX。。。。

可是!我家門外有好幾隻公狗  我發現只要那些公狗一叫

KIRARA就會忍不住摩擦起來… Orz…………


現在他有3.6公斤  看起來超大一隻

我希望他不要超過4公斤  省得我抱不動他




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