Oct 20th 2009  From Economist.com

Which Americans have been married most?


FOR almost half of America's brides and grooms, wedded bliss eventually turns to divorce misery. But many go on to marry again (and then again) in the search for the perfect mate. According to Census Bureau data gathered for the first time in 2008, the keenest on remarriage are those in Arkansas and Oklahoma, where over 10% of women who have ever been married have been hitched at least three times. The proportion of men (of those ever married) who go on to have at least three weddings is lower: 9.7% in Arkansas and 9.3% in Oklahoma. Southern and western states have the highest shares of those who are thrice (or more often) married, partly because of younger median marrying ages, more poverty and poorer education. New Jersey and Massachusetts have the smallest shares for both women and men.


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Nov 9th 2009  From Economist.com

Which Europeans are most likely to have tried cannabis?

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又來到了年底  從去年開始敝部門最重要工作之一


『幹部』聽起來很怪  可因為HQ也有個會叫『高階』



cavalli 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Nov 05 Thu 2009 18:06
  • Hatha

用上面的手抓腳  而且重點是
彎曲的那條腿是往後掰開  不是前開!!~~**

cavalli 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Nov 04 Wed 2009 18:13
  • 奶泡



又覺得公司豆子不夠好  喝起來沒有illy
而且喝牛奶又容易拉肚子...  (人越老毛病越多...)

去星巴克都大都點美式  拿鐵已經很久不喝了

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上週六跑去上陰yoga  針對五臟六腑的胃經

還拉到很多膽經  星期天乘勢想說一鼓作氣

一早就健康的連上兩堂  hatha + yin

試試看新的Rachel T老師


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原唱: 薛凱琪  填詞: 黃偉文


男孩們 來約我 一般送花

而無人 能似你 親手種花

但男孩像你 不要我下嫁

cavalli 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()



1.5HR就被趕出來了  比上次Hsiang還誇張

雖然鬆餅不錯吃但反正也不會再去了  就無所謂


cavalli 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

禮拜五barcode A店混到五點
永和豆漿早餐做結束  鬼混到AM五點

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