*每次她睡覺都很熟 捨不得用相機把她吵醒
dont wanna wake her up with flash and sound so only 1 photo of her sleeping.... though already woke up*
昨晚 玩累了的KIRARA早早就乖乖解決所有生活瑣事
我們就抱她去紙箱裡睡覺 紙箱是放在我房間裡面的
因為才九點多 阿公正好回家 阿媽出房門迎接
我在餐廳打個B 看文章
結果 不到五分鐘 聽到裡面傳來一一嗚嗚
進去房間 KIRARA努力掙扎 要抱抱
ㄧ抱起她 就死命抓住我不肯放 一直舔我
可是 因為今天早上四點半就吵醒我們倆 因為他大小姐想要上廁所
所以 你阿媽說 你太早起床吵人了
唉 你能夠快點學會在廁所噓噓嗯嗯就好了
last nite kirara was sleeping in her box in my room with A/C on
then we all left the room and doing stuff outside.
i left the window slightly opened and light in the room was on
and she still got scared and scratching and begging to get out
i went to pick her up and hold her and she was like very frightened.......
then cos this morn she woke my mom and me up around 4 30am
so my mom said she has to sleep outside the room where she can get access to the toilet by herself
so tonite we will have to let her sleep on her own, in the living room
without A/C................
oh well she likes the floor a lot cos its cool and comfy
but i just hope she can learn where her toilet is asap and so we can keep her in the room
somehow sleeping with her makes me feel safe and sleep better.... :p
even though i know in reality she cannot do anything to protect me
she sleeping there peacefully looks just like a baby