最近在辦公室  喝煩了ILLY咖啡  也喝煩了我帶來的所有茶類(有十種喔!! 還會煩  唉...)
有時候出去買飲料  全家實在沒甚麼好選擇
買來買去還是買果汁 蔬菜汁 茶類

看看手邊  有ILLY dark roast 咖啡  有茶  有咖啡專用黑糖  有林鳳營 
(公司免費提供!!  可惜是全脂  反正不用錢不要給人家一直嫌)

丟進一個twinnings lady grey tea bag(或任何紅茶包)
隨意挖一茶匙糖(公司這罐黑糖已經快被我用完了 嗚嗚  之後大概只剩白糖了)
把250CC林鳳營放到微波爐加熱  40秒即完成
攪拌15秒  拿出茶包
有個LADY GREY特殊柑橘類香味又超順口好喝不膩的  鴛鴦完成~~  

as ppl who have worked with me know i keep tons of different teas in my office
but now i have already feel tired with all the teas and illy coffee i have at work
so i invented my own drink.  oh well not really my original recipe....  but whatever :P

milk tea with coffee
if you go to DIM SUM place a lot you will know this famous HK drink
this is also one of my favorite drinks but i dont dare drink it too often cos it is for sure a really fatty drink......  but when i am down or tired from work in the afternoon, i would love something sweet to comfort myself.......

a shot of espresso (auto machine here in my office....)
a teaspoon of coffee brown suger (or more)
200-250cc milk microwaved to whatever temp.
a twinnings lady grey tea bag.....(i think any black tea bag will do....)
all put in a cup and stir for 15 sec
take out the tea bag or you will have a too strong taste of bitterness from tea

please try try~~

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