自從小我9歲 小時了了可愛的不得了的大表弟出生後
我就好羨慕他的生活 終日無所事事 睡飽吃吃飽睡
要幹嘛只需要哭 阿媽就會衝去幫他解決
從那時候開始 我就不想要長大了
我希望我能變回那個小BABY 只要吃喝拉撒睡
吃飽了就很安心的睡著 睡醒就很開心的自娛娛人 活的很歡樂
我從來不覺得長大有甚麼好玩 只覺得長大很辛苦很累 要做很多事情 擔很多責任
ㄧ直 我都很努力的 以不變應萬變 希望可以減緩我長大的速率
我也一直都以為 只要我希望 這應該不是甚麼大困難
(是因為這樣反應到外表 讓我長相從小學到現在都沒變嗎 = =!??)
第一個跟我有相同感想的 大概就是Y小姐
倆個人小鬼大的11歲女童 在金山南路樹蔭底下 聊起大人/同學的事情 不可收拾
孽緣就延續了20年 剛好 剛滿20年
我從小體弱多病 林黛玉一樣的藥罐子 人家在跑在跳時 我只能窩在床上羨慕著
沒甚麼事情好做 只能想 東想西想 閱讀 連我三舅的黃色武俠小說都看完了
老爸老媽吵架打架 家常便飯 卻在人前演著幸福快樂家庭戲碼 從小學著虛偽的笑
Y小姐則是父母早早吵架離婚 卻歹戲拖棚 媽媽當有錢官太的管家 他跟著四處流離
雖不算嚐盡人情冷暖 也看了不少臉色
也許 因為這樣 我們變成了無話不談的好友
也許很多地方我們都有自己的堅持 吵起架來互不相讓
在我最傷心的時候 我知道有個地方可以收容我
(好啦 我承認我有很多地方可以去~ 連葉子豪都願意收容我 :P)
而因為早熟 我們倆都選擇 不要長大
只可惜 歲月不饒人
不想長大的小孩 還是長大了
十年前 愛衝愛鬧愛笑愛瘋 直言不諱驕傲任性情緒放在臉上的被寵壞小孩
難過到極點 能平靜的 安慰來安慰我的人
心痛到極致 卻笑臉盈盈 說著我沒事
眼淚在眼框裡轉啊轉 很快地便轉回肚子裡去
內心波濤洶湧 轉眼間就風平浪靜
也許我從小就知道 成長的代價 就是心碎
那我衷心的希望 我不要再長大了
I guess most of the children’s one and only dream is to grow up faster, asap
Since my 9-yr-younger PLUS cutest-baby-in-the-world cousin was born,
I started to envy his life so much, cos he did nothing else but only eating and drinking and crying and pooing and peeing
Every time he cried, everybody hurried to take care of his needs and wants.
So ever since then, I have been refusing to grow up
I wish I could go back and be that little cherish lovable baby, no worries and enjoying living and feeling loved
I never find growing up any fun. I somehow realized life is very difficult for a grown-up and there are tons of responsibilities and stuff a grown-up needs to deal with
Thus, I have been working very hard trying not to grow up…. And I had always thought that keeping myself young shouldn’t be a too difficult task.
(is this why my look stopped changing since elementary school!? :P)
my best friend in the whole world, YU felt the same as I do 20 yrs ago
Her family had issues and so did mine and we were a lot mature than our looks and age. (and most of all, heights)
Incredibly, our friendship lasts for 20 yrs now and hopefully will continue to our death.
We don’t always agree with each other but I know I will have a place to go to if I need it, anytime.
(well I know I have more than one places to go to…… thanks to all my buddies)
Unfortunately, time flies by and too many uncontrollable stuffs in lives happened
Children who didn’t wanna grow up grew up
10 yrs ago the extrovert, honest, proud, spoiled, emotions carved on the face, girl has changed into
the silent, introvert, observant, cant even tell the true feelings from the eyes, adult
at my saddest time, I was able to comfort the ppl who had come to comfort me
when my heart broke, I was smiling and telling everyone I am fine
tears run thru my eyes but evaporate in a sec
so I have always known
the price we have to pay to grow up is heart break
and I hope wholeheartedly that I do not grow up anymore