
Got new EEEPC today! 10” 80G XP blue tooth 3x USB

So now I am using it with the blue tooth mouse my mom bought but

cannot use at her laptop.

The keyboard is really small and my fingers got so stiff after using it
for a while. But I guess this is still pretty good spec compared to the $
I got it at Fnac in Mitsugoshi and they have a promotion now for a 5%
Gift card rebate until end of this month. This is a great bargain so I
actually got the last stock they had. (all Vaio is sold out btw) 
the promo also made me notice VAIO SR15 which is exactly the laptop
I want. 13”2KG pink, but it cost almost triple than EEEPC so I still
need time to think about it. But I may go back and get that one next
if I find EEEPC not good enough during my biz trip.

The only thing that kinda pissed me off was when doc told me u are
catching a cold!! Keep yourself warm and avoid A/C or any fan. I
can tell he
must be laughing at me secretly!!!!


今天買了新玩具  自從我上週知道要出差後  就開始計畫要買台小筆電
可以讓我出差輕便  因為公司的HP一台比一台重 
我要是背那種的出去  還沒下降機場我肩膀就掛了 

下午請了病假  老媽說那去欣葉吃粥(他自己根本懶得煮)

也好  點了雪菜豆腐煲  豬腰  滷肉筍絲  哈嗎小魚  蒜煎菲力等

最後跟他要了一大碗稀飯上的米湯  喝完馬上覺得病好一大半

之後上去FNACEEEPC  10’XP只剩最後一台黑色

剛好三越在促銷  買六千送5%禮券  五萬6 107

VAIO已經全部被搬光光  害我本來有點想改買SR15

47K不到+5%回饋  還可以刷卡有發票  真的很便宜!!

最後考量到我星期三要出國  還是先搬一台EEEPC回家

除了回家設無線網路有點小麻煩  黑色很會留指紋以外  沒啥問題



唯一不爽的  醫生看完我的症狀之後  我感覺到他邊強忍笑意

邊跟我說  你這是著涼喔!!不要吹到風!!不要太冷!!

回家MSN徐董  他居然說『天氣這麼好你也會著涼!?太虛了!』

大家真沒有同情心  都沒人要安慰病人  嗚嗚~~

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