YangTze River is the longest river in Asia. It is also where
most of the Chinese live upon with. It starts in some tall
mountain and ends at Shanghai, the largest city in China.
Local rep warned us do not expect too much about the river
itself cos it is now more like the famous Yellow River. Yellow
river is named yellow cos that area has been cultivated for
centuries and the environment is already destroyed. Obviously,
YangTze River’s environment is destroyed now as well.
Being a Taiwanese, I have gone thru the stage when everyone in
the whole country concerned only about $$$ and nothing else. It is
sad to see some country is going on the same path and I almost
just can see where it leads to, the end of life.
While they tearing apart ancient buildings and cutting trees just to
make room for new buildings and constructions. The whole river starts
to get polluted from Shanghai to its origin with the GO TO WEST Plan.
Decades later, I wonder how much scenery and cultural assets will
they have left?
當地代表在我們一抵達 就要我們對長江不要抱持太多幻想
(基本上我原本就一點幻想都沒有 完全不明白他想表達神麼)
馬上就明白 他那句 會看到像黃河的長江 的意思
那水! 我對於被我吃下肚子的魚兒們 居然能在這種水中生存
還好HOST說 那些魚都是在上游乾淨的源頭補抓的
讓我稍稍安心一點 不過吃都吃了 也只好回來台灣在慢慢排毒了
身為台灣人 我也曾經經歷過那段 台灣錢淹腳目
大家向錢看 其他一切都不予以考慮的年代
也因此 此行很遺憾的 看著曾經的泱泱大國 也走上那條老路
當長江的水 隨著西進 從出海口漸漸污染到源頭
整個中國 不停的拆掉古蹟 砍掉樹木 開發建設
到最後回過頭 再來重蓋仿古的建築 販賣觀光 還剩多少看頭?
再回首已是百年身 希望我下次有機會再去