Sep 24th 2008 | NEW YORK From
THE radical overhaul of Britain’s financial sector in 1986 was
dubbed the Big Bang. The brutal, unplanned reshaping of
Wall Street might be better described as the Big Implosion.
I don’t really know or wanna to understand what the collapse
of those IB means for Wall ST. But I know what it means to
my best school buddy~
His dream is always to stay at banking for 3 yrs in tw then
back to US for MBA then step in IB. And now I am afraid his
dream will never come true.
I guess he should least feel happy that he hasn’t stepped in
that industry yet or he would be as miserable as those spoiled
investment bankers right now. But it is also very sad that his
dream will never be fulfilled.
One analogy, if tw one day is united by china, those kids who
dream to be president one day in the future would be very
sad too…
I can only assume cos I never wanna work in IB or
be president.
1986年英國財金界的理性重整被稱做BIG BANG大爆炸(向外)
文章長到我今天沒時間詳讀 ∵下午要回HQ報告很不完備的財務分析
不過我很清楚IB倒光對親愛的學弟的影響 他的第一志願就此消失……
他本來計畫的在BANKING忍三年 回美國拿MBA再找IB的工作
開心還好還沒踏進去 不然會像現在那些過太爽的分析師一樣惶惶終日
難過在 人生的第一志願從此消失 連踏入的機會都不再有
畢竟 哪天如果台灣被統一了
我也只能猜想 因為我從不想進IB 也不想當總統 哈~