One of my favorite chefs from food network is this lady
Buddy from Boston, Gary, loves her too! not for her cooking,
but for her face and boops. :P
I used to sit in front of TV watching her wearing V neck and
lower her upper body to chop or smell or whatever. For that I
can totally ignore her square mouth and over reaction and
exaggerated gesture and facial expressions.
Unfortunately, I have never try her recipe or whatever recipe
demonstrated on food channel. I cook Chinese food most of the
time. But it is very entertaining watching how boops help her to
expand her target audience groups.
食物頻道中 我最喜歡的主廚之一 就是這位太太
已婚生過又整天在那邊吃吃喝喝 身材還保持相當好
我看他的主因 跟我波士頓同窗好友GARY先生理由是一樣的
挖 超性感 讓我完全忽略了他討人厭的方嘴、聒噪、
過度反應 還有誇張的臉部表情和動作
但是 看著他的大胸 如何能幫他擴展潛在觀眾群族
實在是相當具有娛樂性的一件事 讓人樂此不疲
我最厲害的italian 大概就是prosciutto+melon
上星期買的prosciutto 在我很懶惰的情況下 被我夾bagel吃光了
可是感覺奢侈的好幸福喔~ 哈~