Since beginning of this month, my mom started to get acupuncture

medication. Since she is obvious too severe so the doctor asked her

to go this place for massage. After doing it first time, my mom

insisted me to go with her so I did.


They have 2 gadgets with electric current to massage all over body.

And god damn it hurts so bad!! I couldn’t stop screaming and they

don’t even try to slow down.


So here’s what they did to me…  bruises everywhere on my legs

and arms… If giving birth to baby is even painful than this

massage, I think I would never ever wanna try it anymore.


They say I got all the bruises cos I am not healthy and I

admit that I am never healthy…  still I hope there is a better way

to keep healthy without all the pains…


Though I do feel a lot better after the pain… Only more tired and

more sleepy than usual. So I keep going there and making myself

bruised… haha~

If anyone interested in my thigh photo... leave a msg or msn me
and i can email it to u!


已經很久了  全身上下都不通  坐立不安  全身都很不蘇服

如果再不通下去  應該很快老娘就要香消玉殞




可是不會帶人上天堂  只會讓你下地獄

師傅非常的狠毒  用電動棒狠狠的劃過我身上所有堵塞住的地方

一邊不停喊叫著  你這很嚴重喔!!

(心中默默OS 不嚴重我還會在這給你苦毒嗎!!)

一邊不停來回推動  簡直是怕我身上黑青不夠多


總而言之  現在老娘渾身上下都是黑青

大腿尤其嚴重  有圖有真相所以放個手臂  讓大家瞻仰一下

可以幻想一下  我的兩條腿  滿滿的  都是一樣的黑黑綠綠



而痛的程度  我只能說如果生小孩要比這個通的過程還痛的話


可是做完真的比較蘇服  人整個輕鬆很多

頭腦也比較清楚的感覺(或者只是單純我的錯覺 P

至少腿到腰這塊不會像之前一樣  不知道怎麼回事

雖然不痛可是就是不舒服  搞得我也睡不好  現在好多了~





密集的去幾趟  把他一次痛完推開 

應該就可以迎接我嶄新健康的身體  吧!?

有人有興趣觀看大腿玉照的  請留言或MSN


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